SARs 2024 – 2025


“If classes become so full that it is impossible to know students’ names, to spend quality time with each of them, then the effort to build a learning community fails.” bell hooks Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom pg. 204


Sexual Attitudes Reassessment (SAR) is an intensive and experiential professional development experience focused on sexuality topics. When done with compassion, intention, and an interdisciplinary approach, a SAR allows each participant the opportunity to examine their own personal beliefs, understand how those beliefs inform their work, and identify areas in which they need to develop more cultural competence. Learn more about SARs below.

Upcoming Events


This is a SAR for all of us.  When Bianca had her SAR in 2009 she was so disappointed. Read about why here.
After years of building an  archive of images, videos, worksheets, activities, and discussion prompts that allow for the exploration of the sexuality experiences, needs, boundaries, and impacts of legislation, public policy, institutional and structural oppression, and racism, Bianca began offering SARs that were what she knew was needed and missing
The ANTE UP! SAR is an experience unlike any other SAR or any other professional development experience. Moving beyond common practices and attempts of inclusion and diversity, the ANTE UP! SAR combines racial justice, disability justice, reproductive justice frameworks and practice with tools for self-analysis and embodiment. Participants are welcome to bring their full selves into a learning, re-learning, and an unlearning space. Our intention is to make connections, be challenged, expand, and go all in for collective and individual liberation and freedom. In other words, ANTE UP! 
The world we have inherited is not the same one that we were trained in to do this work. It’s a different world for each of us and there is a vital opportunity to make crucial decisions about the practice we have connecting with and caring for other human beings. 
The ANTE UP! SAR requires each of us to go all in and not half step when doing this work—it is for community members who are ready for a next level experience of un / re-learning. We will explore and identify how -isms may still manifest and unlearning as a lifelong practice. This SAR is a unique space to be honest about our feelings, where they are held in our bodies, and how they show up for us. It will help you identify internalized societal norms, challenge language and stigma, become more reflexive, understand your boundaries—as human beings and professionals—and communicate them more effectively. In all the work we do, we make decisions that have consequences, and this SAR will allow you to clarify your own path, grounded in your ethics and values, and step up to the challenge of facilitating more healing, resilience, and autonomy for the communities you serve.
At this time all SARs are virtual.  There are a maximum of 20 students per SAR.
If you would like a SAR to be delivered to your group or organization, contact Bianca at