Certificate Requirements

To be ANTE UP! Certified participants must complete the 10 core ANTE UP! classes  as well as  one full 3 day SAR (15 CEs) or two 2-day Advanced SARs (10 CEs each). 

Depending on the SAR chosen, participants can earn up to 54 AASECT CEs. 

Classes may be taken in any order and participants  may choose the order based on their availability.  They may  complete their certification in a shorter or longer time. 

Depending on participants capacity and schedule, certification may be completed in six months, or as long as two years. 


Detailed class descriptions here

  1. Accountability Processes: Creating, Maintaining, Sustaining Community Safety
  2. Beyond Buzzwords: Intersectionality: Theory, Framework, Practice
  3. Apology Workshop & Training: Failure: F$%*ing Up, Learning, and Healing
  4. Sexual and Reproductive Justice
  5. Abortion: Realities, Law, and Healing
  6. Unlearning the BS: Anatomy & Physiology
  7. Media Literacy and Net Neutrality
  8. Disability Justice Part I 
  9. Disability Justice Part II 
  10. How Do We Get To A More Inclusive History of the US Sexuality Field


ANTE UP! requires an “all in” approach to community knowledge production. As we divest in disposability practices, we must invest in accountability. We will be challenged and uncomfortable on a regular basis while in this program. Each participant is expected to complete a self care and wellness plan to support them as they move through the certificate process.

As a community of practice we will value an accountability process and communicate as directly as we can. Participants are expected to engage in revolutionary loving ways. We will gently remind and push one another to grow and expand together. We must all invest for an optimal outcome.

We are all worthy. We are all chosen. We are all going to mess up. We are all worthy.


Not everywhere is your living room, literally and figuratively.

As an online space, many of us may be in our homes or other personal space as we engage with one another. We are expected to each act as hosts of this community of practice we welcome into our home. Performing niceness is not expected. Leaning on revolutionary love is valued. Hard work may be done quietly. We are here because we value the process of learning and unlearning. We acknowledge and honor our resistance and will work to open paths to fulfilling needs. We value self care strategies of support and will actively engage in a wellness plan / ritual / spiritual practice / etc. throughout this experience.

Last updated February 2024